Thursday, September 23, 2010

layers landscape

I put the sky on a seperate level and adjusted the levels, then I flattened the image and adjusted it using dodge/burn. Then I spharpened the area around the buildings to make them more clear. Seperating the image into two layers allowed me to make colours in the sky brighter and stand out more.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

rule of thirds

This photo has one subject chillin in the corner of the picture
This photo has two seperate subjects in seperate corners of the picture, daniel and the tree
This photo has two people connected by a leading line.
This photo tells a story because the two subjects are looking at eachother.

I placed the subjects on the intersections of the grid to draw attention to them, making a more complex composition, and to strengthen the concept of the composition.

portrait using quick mask

I used the duotone effect to make my photo look more old school. Then I used the quick mask tool to make micah stand out more so you are not distracted by the field in the background.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

leading lines

oh hai.
I used the lines on the wall to lead towards my subject.
The lines strengthen the composition by drawing attention to the main subject.